Inspiration, Spirituality, Faith


Self Investigation, Self Realisation & Self Purification to be Walking the Noble Path


May you have the strength, courage, confidence and effort to lead an eventful wholesome life. May you be appropriate with your etiquette, adequate with your needs, sufficient with your wants, satisfied with your duties and content with your possessions.  May this nature bring much happiness, best of health and peace within you.

With much respect and humbleness

Bikku Dhammagawesi

"Do not overrate what you have received, nor envy others. He who envies others does not obtain peace of mind"

"Vissuddhi" is the nature of selfpurification. Purification of your moral conduct, your thoughts and your views as to being on the Noble path. A person getting on the Noble "Dhamma" path is sighted, with the way, and the confusion is removed. It is here, that they have the visibility of the fork, as to the Noble path they have seen and the path they have been travelling. Here the self is able to select the right & new Noble path, with the new selec  ted moral conduct & disciplines. A person of such nature has the confidences to identify and agree, that they are now on the right path, with the right moral conduct, right wholesome thoughts and the right view of the adoption of the Nobleness  and eradicating with the suffering.



Ven. Ayya Khema


Freely Download High Quality English Language MP3s of Dhamma Talks
by Ven. Ayya Khema

Ayya Khema was born in Berlin in 1923 of Jewish parents. In 1938 she escaped from Germany with a transport of two hundred other children and was taken to Scotland. Her parents went to China and, two years later, Ayya Khema joined them in Shanghai. In 1944, however, the family was put into a Japanese concentration camp and it was here that her father died.


Four years after the American liberation of the camp, Ayya Khema was able to emigrate to America, where she married and had a son and daughter. Between 1960 and 1964 she traveled with her husband and son throughout Asia, including the Himalayan countries, and it was at this time that she learned meditation. Ten years later she began to teach meditation herself throughout Europe, America, and Australia. Her experiences led her to become ordained as a Buddhist nun in Sri Lanka in 1979, when she was given the name of "Khema", meaning safety and security ("Ayya" means "Sister").

She established Wat Buddha Dhamma, a forest monastery in the Theravada tradition, near Sydney, Australia, in 1978. In Colombo she set up the International Buddhist Women"s Center as a training center for Sri Lankan nuns, and Parappuduwa Nuns" Island for women who want to practice intensively and/or ordain as nuns. She was the spiritual director of Buddha-Haus in Germany, established in 1989 under her auspices. (Photos) In 1997 she also founded Metta Vihara, a thriving monastery not far from Buddha Haus. (Photos)

In 1987 she co-ordinated the first international conference of Buddhist nuns in the history of Buddhism, which resulted in the creation of Sakyadhita, a world-wide Buddhist women"s organization. H.H. the Dalai Lama was the keynote speaker at the conference. In May 1987, as an invited lecturer, she was the first Buddhist ever to have addressed the United Nations in New York.

She wrote over two dozen books on meditation and the Buddha's teaching in English and German. In 1988, her book Being Nobody, Going Nowhere, received the Christmas Humphreys Memorial Award. Her other English language books include When the Iron Eagle Flies, Who is My-Self, Be an Island, Visible Here and Now and Come and See for Yourself: The Buddhist Path to Happiness. Some of her writings are available on-line at Access to Insight and her book All of Us, consisting of 12 dhamma talks, is available at Allspirit. Some of her writings are available as eBooks for the Kindle, Nook, etc: All of Us, Meditating on No-Self and To Be Seen Here and Now. Also available on-line is A Dhamma Talk on Metta by her. Over 400 High Quality English Language MP3s of Dhamma Talks by Ven. Ayya Khema are now on-line for free download, as is the streaming audio of a talk on the 1st and 2nd Jhanas. Her autobiography, I Give You My Life, is a wonderful adventure story sprinkled with nuggets of spiritual wisdom.

Ayya Khema passed away on 2 November, 1997, at home at Buddha-Haus, in Germany. Buddha-Haus continues to teach retreats in German in Ayya Khema's tradition. Please visit their website at You can e-mail Buddha Haus at

Once a year, Cloud Mountain Retreat Center offers a month long meditation course with the instructions and dhamma talks from video tapes of Ven. Ayya Khema recorded during two of her last English language meditation courses.

Transcriptions of a number of her inspiring Loving-Kindness Meditations meditations are available on-line.

There are a few short videos of Ayya Khema on Google Vidoes:


Videos with Ven. Ayya Khema

Ajahn Brahm

Spiritual Director of the Buddhist Society of Western Australia screenshot

Buddhism In A Nutshell (free ebook)

Good introductory book on Buddhism from

The Goal of Meditation
To know where your effort should be directed in meditation, you must
have a clear understanding of the goal. The goal of this meditation is
beautiful silence, stillness, and clarity of mind. If you can understand that
goal, then the place to apply your effort and the means to achieve the goal
become much clearer. The effort is directed to letting go, to developing
a mind that inclines to abandoning. One of the many simple but profound
statements of the Buddha is that “a meditator who makes letting
go the main object easily achieves sam›dhi,” that is, attentive stillness, the
goal of meditation (SN 48,9).1 Such a meditator gains these states of
inner bliss almost automatically.

Anapanasati – Mindfulness of Breathing

For the first time in the English here is a comprehensive manual of the Buddhist meditation known as ânàpànasati  – the development of mindfulness of breathing. Although this manual is primarily intended for the benefit of monks, it will greatly assist laymen, too, who wish to undertake a course of meditation but who do not have the guidance of a teacher. Originally published in Thai, this manual is one of the major works of the Ven. Buddhadàsa Bhikkhu and delivered in 1959 in the form of a series of lectures to monks of Suanmokkha Monastery, Chaiya, Thailand. Ven. Buddhadàsa Bhikkhu, a major voice in the Buddhist world, is an accepted master of Buddhist meditation. In constructive positive language, the manual guides the meditator through the 16 steps of ânàpànasati. Download the ebook here (550 pages PDF):

Introduction to Insight Meditation

Introduction to Insight Meditation is a basic and straightforward introduction to the practice of Insight Meditation as taught within the tradition of Theravada Buddhism. This book was written at and published by the Amaravati Monastary in England. The purpose of Insight Meditation is not to create a system of beliefs, but rather to give guidance on how to see clearly into the nature of the mind. In this way one gains firsthand understanding of the way things are, without reliance on opinions or theories, a direct experience. The term `Insight Meditation’ (samatha-vipassana)* refers to practices for the mind that develop calm (samatha) through sustained attention, and insight (vipassana) through reflection. A fundamental technique for sustaining attention is focusing awareness on the body. The guide begins with some advice on this. Download it here:

Introduction to Insigth Meditation by the Amaravati Buddhist Monastary

You are what your deep, driving desire is.
As your desire is, so is your will.
As your will is, so is your deed.
As your deed is, so is your destiny.

Brihadaranyaka Upanishad


Here are the links to local, US and Indian BKWSU pages;

Om Shanti,


(You can buy cds etc on this site)


(This is the main Indian site, with classes and meditation commentaries and songs to download)


(This is also from India; You can download Shivani's classes and the murli here)


(This is from the US. It has an especially good cooking section on videos)



Self Transformation (Change)


Here are some practical reminders and steps we can take to grow spiritually and bring out transformation (change) in ourselves:


Use 'traffic control'

To remember our original peaceful state during certain moments of the day creates a space for us to recharge and to be released from accumulated negativities, which have influenced our mind without our realizing it.


'Traffic control', is a method to check and control the flow and type of thoughts that we create. Are our thoughts wasteful or are they useful, necessary, positive, and peaceful? By stopping for a minute every hour, we can step inside, apply a brake to the flow of thoughts and instead focus on the experience .I am a peaceful being (soul).. This practice has an immediate cooling effect on the mind, and if done regularly, has a very positive impact on our daily lives.


Where there is faith there is victory


Expression: When someone has faith there are no doubts or questions about the self, others or situations. Faith also enables a person to see and understand simple things in life with a new understanding. It shows direction and courage to go on.


Experience: When I have faith, I experience myself to be lucky and thus receive cooperation from many others. I would also be able to experience success at every step. There is then no worry for me and am troubled less by aspects that keep changing around me. My thoughts then would always be positive and I experience victory.


Feeling Great- No Matter What


An Evening With 94 Year Old Dadi Janki At Hammersmith Apollo.London



Take yourself on a journey to the centre of your mind. Amazing animation with Tibetan Singing Bowls and Voice soundtrack


Source-Brahma Kumaris


Brahma Kumaris World Spiritual University - Introduction - BKWSU




Meditation - Getting Started (7 steps)


  • Make an appointment with yourself for 10 or 20 minutes each morning or evening
  • Find a quiet place and relax. Soft music, though not a necessity, can create an appropriate atmosphere. Sit comfortably upright on the floor or in a chair
  • Keep your eyes open and, without staring, gently rest them on a chosen point somewhere in front of your room
  • Gently withdraw your attention from all sights and sounds. Become the observer of your own thoughts. Don't try to stop thinking, just be the observer, not judging or being carried away by your own thoughts, just watching. Gradually they will slow down and you will begin to feel more peaceful
  • Create one thought for yourself, about yourself for example, "I am a peaceful soul." Hold that thought on the screen of your mind; visualize yourself being peaceful and still. Stay as long as you can in the awareness of that thought. Don't fight with other thoughts or memories that may come to distract you. Just watch them pass by and return to your created thought, "I am a peaceful soul"
  • Now think of the Supreme Soul, who is the ocean of peace, bliss, love and so on. Soul receives all these virtues from Him, acknowledge and appreciate the positive feelings and other positive thoughts, which may spring directly from this thought. Be stable in these feelings for a few minutes. Be aware of unrelated thoughts
  • Finish your meditation by closing your eyes for a few moments and creating complete silence in your mind


Meditation - Video Experience


This is a best place in the world to understand who you really are and to find natural and generous spiritual way to live comprehensively on this planet.

Raja Yoga meditation is very unique and simple to improve your life style and bring peace and non violence into world around you. The most amazing thing is you feel confident that you can do it yourself and that you are vital treasure. So it gives you enormous power and sustainable health



Brahma Kumari Videos and Audios

Thousands of candles can be lighted from a single candle, and the life of the candle will not be shortened. Happiness never decreases by being shared.




Mindfulness Meditation as a Buddhist Practice



- by Gil Fronsdal, February 2006

While mindfulness can be practiced quite well without Buddhism, Buddhism cannot be practiced without mindfulness. In its Buddhist context, mindfulness meditation has three overarching purposes: knowing the mind; training the mind; and freeing the mind.

Knowing the Mind

It is easy to spend an hour, a day, or even a lifetime so caught up with thoughts, concerns, and activities as to preclude understanding deeply what makes us operate the way we do. People can easily be clueless as to what motivates them, the nature of their reactions and feelings, and even, at times, what they are thinking about. The first step in mindfulness practice is to notice and take stock of who we are. What is going on in the body, in the mind, in our emotional life? What underlying dispositions are operating?

This part of mindfulness practice is a simple process of discovery; it is not judging something as good or bad. Meditative discovery is supported by stillness. Whatever our degree of stillness, it acts as a backdrop to highlight what is going on. It doesn’t take much stillness to notice a racing, agitated mind. Discovery means becoming familiar with what a racing mind is like instead of being critical of it. What is the mind itself like, and what is its effect on the body? What emotions are present? What thoughts and beliefs?

The knowing aspect of mindfulness is deliberate and conscious. When you know something this way, not only do you know it, but also a presence of mind grows in which you clearly know that you know. It is like being one of two calm people in an unruly crowd. Neither of you gets caught up in the crowd’s agitation, and a spark of recognition, maybe even a smile, passes between you as you share knowing that both of you are not caught.

When the focus is on knowing, we make no attempt to try to change anything. For people who are always trying to make something happen, just observing the mind can be a radical change and a relief.

Training the Mind

The mind is not static. It is a process or, more accurately, a series of interacting processes. As such, the mind is malleable and pliable: it can be trained and shaped in new ways. An important part of Buddhist practice is taking responsibility for the dispositions and activities of our own mind so that it can operate in ways that are beneficial. When we don’t take responsibility for our own mind, external forces will do the shaping: media, advertisements, companions, and other parts of society.

A good starting point is to train the mind in kindness and compassion. Even a little mindfulness will sometimes prove the cliche, “Self-knowledge is seldom good news.” Mindfulness may reveal mental conflict with ourselves, others, or the inconstant nature of life. Such conflict can take the form of aversion, confusion, anger, despair, ambition, or discouragement. Meeting conflict with further conflict will only add to our suffering. Instead, we can begin exploring how to be kinder, more forgiving and spacious with ourselves.



"The Miracle of Mindfulness"

Thich Nhat Hanh is a Zen monk, teacher, poet, peace activist, and the author of more than 100 books, including "Anger," "The Miracle of Mindfulness," and "Living Buddha, Living Christ." In his latest book, "No Death, No Fear," he invites both Buddhists and non-Buddhists alike to look deeply into the nature of life and death.



Brahmakumaris Om Shanti Channel

Welcome To An Exclusive Video Channel For Full Length Films & Videos By Brahmakumaris



Rajyoga Meditation:

The Supreme Soul God has said –

I am the supreme father of all of you; you are my long lost now found sweet children. Know me, remember me, I shall liberate you and take you to Paradise of everlasting peace and happiness.

Through accurate Remembrance of Supreme Soul God (Rajyoga Meditation) human souls achieve tremendous divine power directly from Him. With this divine power alone along with spiritual discipline the soul can easily control all senses, vices and evils and inculcate divine virtues and finally will start feeling contended, peaceful and happy




Interview with BK Shireen Chada: Spirituality and social media

Interview with BK Shireen Chada: Spirituality and social media

  I recently had the chance to explore an interesting perspective on social media – that of Shireen, who as a member of the Brahma Kumaris at Peace Village in the Catskills, who provided invaluable insights into a more spiritual perspective on social technology. SM:  Hi I’m Simon...

Gabriella Guglielminotti Trivel's interview with Dadi Janki, head of the Brahma Kumaris

Gabriella Guglielminotti Trivel's interview with Dadi Janki, head of the Brahma Kumaris

Gabriella Guglielminotti Trivel Gabriella interviews Dadi Janki about female energy. Dadi Janki is the head of the Brahma Kumaris a worlwide women led organisation for the spiritual development of human consciousness and self transformation.    

In Conversation With Sister Mohini Panjabi

In Conversation With Sister Mohini Panjabi

In Conversation With Sister Mohini Panjabi Anoop Kumar   When you hold things inside, there is a burden and you feel heavy it is locking yourself in a cage and throwing away the key. When you do not hold any negativity within...

Learn Easy Meditation-Videos

Self Management (English Subtitle) - BK Shivani

Self Management  (English Subtitle) - BK Shivani

  Awakening With Brahma Kumaris (Self Mangement) - BK Shivani Self Management - Change your mind to Change your world Self Mangement, which is really life management, is learning how to accept total Responsibility for our self, have healthy Relationships, play the right Role and use...

Soul Connection (Heart of Relationships) - Sr Shivani

Soul Connection (Heart of Relationships)  - Sr Shivani

BK Shivani English video series: Sister Shivani is a practitioner of Rajyoga Meditation of the Brahma Kumaris. With a background in engineering, her ability to analyse deep rooted emotions like ego, stress, anger, fear, is empowering people to take personal responsibility of their thoughts and...

Meditation-Dr.Deepak Chopra

Meditation-Dr.Deepak Chopra

  Click here to subscribe to the Chopra Center's Itunes podcast (You will need to download the Itunes application if you don't have it already.) Gratitude Meditation   Awaken Your Abundance   Awaken Your Perfect Health   Awaken Your...

Deepak Chopra- Learn How to Meditate

Deepak Chopra- Learn How to Meditate

Deepak Chopra is an Indian medical doctor, public speaker, and writer on subjects such as spirituality, Ayurveda and mind-body medicine. Chopra began his career as an endocrinologist and later shifted his focus to alternative medicine. Chopra now runs his own medical center, with a focus on...

Raja Yoga Meditation - Link of Life - Guided meditation with Anthony Strano

Raja Yoga Meditation - Link of Life  - Guided meditation with Anthony Strano

Anthony Strano has been a spiritual seeker all his life.  He became a student of the Brahma Kumaris in 1977 and is now one of their most dedicated and experienced teachers.  He travels widely to share his knowledge, running seminars and workshops throughout Europe and Australia on many...

Happiness Unlimited-Sister Shivani (English)

Happiness Unlimited-Sister Shivani (English)

Bk shivani english videos Sister Shivani is a practitioner of Rajyoga Meditation of the Brahma Kumaris. With a background in engineering, her ability to analyse deep rooted emotions like ego, stress, anger, fear, is empowering people to take personal responsibility of their thoughts and choose...


Overview of Meditation:

Throughout the day, when we experience stress, our bodies automatically react in ways that prepare us to fight or run. In some cases of extreme danger, this physical response is helpful. However, a prolonged state of such agitation can cause physical damage to every part of the body. Meditation affects the body in exactly the opposite ways that stress does, restoring the body to a calm state, helping the body to repair itself, and preventing new damage due to the physical effects of stress.

free counters


Don't forget to look for free meditation exercise downloads within the online course


"The Science of Meditation" - Brahmarshi Subhash Patri

"The Science of Meditation" - Brahmarshi Subhash Patri

Delight comes from Light! Where there is no Light there is no Delight! Light comes only from Meditation! Where there is no Meditation there is no Light! Where there is no Light, there is Sorrow in life; there is Misery in life; there is Tragedy in life; there is Incompetence in life; there is...

Morning Meditation-Dr Deepak Chopra

Morning Meditation-Dr Deepak Chopra

Dr.Deepak Chopra discusses spirituality and leads a morning meditation at The Human Forum Conference    

Chakra Meditation Technique to Open Third Eye Name * Image Tags Show all orClose Save Publish Guided Meditation Technique

Chakra Meditation Technique to Open Third Eye		 	 Name *	 Image	   Tags	 	Show all 	 orClose Save Publish 	 	 	   Guided Meditation Technique

Background of Ajna Chakra Meditation Technique (Third Eye):    The Ajna Chakra is the sixth chakra of the Kundalini Seven Chakra System.  A chakra is an energy vortex which resides in a particular location of the body and governs the organs and glands of that...

Meditation Techniques Demonstrated by Deepak Chopra

Meditation Techniques Demonstrated by Deepak Chopra

Meditation Techniques for Beginners Demonstrated by Deepak Chopra (Video) Guided Healing & Law of Attraction Meditation for Relaxation, Visualization, Stress, Sleep + more By MindBodyGreen Recently on the Dr.Oz show, Deepak Chopra defined meditation, performed a healing meditation, and...

Pranayama - The Art of Yoga Breathing (Most Powerful Yoga Breathing Exercise Pranayama)

Pranayama - The Art of Yoga Breathing (Most Powerful Yoga Breathing Exercise Pranayama)

Pranayama - The Art of Yoga Breathing (Pranayama Can Change Lives. Pranayama help you to stay youthful, supple, slim and full of vital energy. Pranayama results in better mind control. The more you increase your supply of prana/ oxygen, the greater will be your sense of well-being. Pranayama...

OSHO: Meditation

OSHO: Meditation

OSHO: Meditation     If you want to live a more fulfilled life, first you will want to know your potential, who you really are. Meditation is the route to that knowing. It is the methodology of the science of awareness. The beauty of the...

Art Of Living

Art Of Living

His Holiness Sri Sri Ravi Shankar     *NEW* Click here to view Sri Sri's blog! "My vision is of a crime-free, stress-free and violence-free world." Sri Sri Ravi Shankar For the...

Chakra Meditation

Chakra Meditation

Chakra Meditation Chakra meditation is a form of meditation that is concentrative, recharging, and cleansing. Chakra meditation is used as a balancing form of meditation that is used to channel in good energy and to get rid of negative energy that is in your body. The chakras that are...

Love, Peace, Freedom, Harmony

Ajahn Brahm -Intro to meditation retreat & how to meditate

Ajahn Brahm -Intro to meditation retreat & how to meditate

Ajahn Brahmavamso Mahathera (lovingly known to most as Ajahn Brahm) was born Peter Betts in London, United Kingdom in August 7, 1951. He came from a working-class background, and won a scholarship to study Theoretical Physics at Cambridge University in the late 1960s. After graduating from...

Inspirational Videos

Change your thoughts - Change your life - Dr. Wayne Dyer

Change your thoughts - Change your life - Dr. Wayne Dyer

Most of us spend more time complaining than counting the good things about our day, our lives, our spouses, children, work, etc. What if shifted our thoughts from negative to positive, and started viewing everything in our lives from a positive perspective? Wouldn’t it feel better to do so?...

The Lost Mode of Prayer- Learn a Lost Technology to Change the World—and Your Destiny - Gregg Braden

The Lost Mode of Prayer-  Learn a Lost Technology to Change the World—and Your Destiny - Gregg Braden

Description Is there a forgotten spiritual tool that offers each one of us the ability to heal ourselves, our relationships with others, and even our endangered planet? On The Lost Mode of Prayer, Gregg Braden—the author of the phenomenal book Awakening to Zero Point—examines...

Spiritual journey of mankind


Brahma Kumaris (BKs) ... Raja Yoga meditation gives you a clear spiritual understanding of yourself

Raja Yoga Meditation philosophy

The basis for attaining an experience in raja yoga meditation in to understand the self and the mind. The human mind is the most creative, powerful and wonderful "instrument" we possess. Using this energy called mind we have been able to search the deepest oceans, send humans to the moon and scan the molecular fabric of the building blocks of nature. But have we found our true self? We have become the most educated and civilized society in our history, but are we civil towards each other?

According to raja yoga Meditation The soul has three main faculties; the mind or consciousness, the intellect and the subconscious.

Thoughts flow from the sub conscious mind to the conscious mind. Feelings and emotions form in accordance with the montage of thoughts flowing in the mind. Therefore our state of mind at any given moment is determined by the thoughts in our consciousness, and also with the feelings that we associate with those thoughts. Since our sub consciousness contains all our previous thoughts and experiences, it is necessary to selectively control the flow of thoughts that emerges from the sub conscious mind.

The intellect is the controller which is used to discriminate so that only positive and benevolent thoughts flow into our mind. With meditation or deep contemplation, the individual is able to strengthen and sharpen the intellect. The end result is a constant state of well being. If we are able to understand the self as the source of energy that creates our feelings, then the following will become our aims.

Become aware of our state of mind and of the thoughts that flows into the mind from our subconscious.
Strengthen the intellect so that the individual can discriminate and thereby only allow positive and peaceful thoughts to flow into the mind.
Through this process of self development the individual develops more control over the mind.

These meditations have been taken from the knowledge as taught by the Brahma Kumaris Raja Yoga meditation organization. Raja Yoga meditation

Search site

Just as treasures are uncovered from the earth, so virtue appears from good deeds, and wisdom appears from a pure and peaceful mind. To walk safely through the maze of human life, one needs the light of wisdom and the guidance of virtue.

Discovering Buddhism Module (Videos)

Reclaiming the Present Moment - And Your Life

By Jon Kabat-Zinn

Mindfulness is considered the heart of Buddhist meditation. But its essence is universal and of deep practical benefit to everyone. In Wherever You Go, There You Are , Jon Kabat-Zinn maps out a simple path for cultivating mindfulness in our lives, and awakening us to the unique beauty and possibilities of each present moment. He shows us how this simple meditation technique can enable us to be truly in touch with where we already are, so that we can be fully aware at all times. Jon Kabat-Zinn explains: What 'mindfulness' is How to achieve


Life is a never ending miracle unfolding in every moment,   

and if we turn our attention to that silent presence in our heart,  
we can participate in that miracle."   
~Deepak Chopra 



The Life of Buddha

Gautama Buddha, the historical Buddha, lived between 563 and 483 BC in the area known now as the Indo-Nepalese region. As a bodhisattva, he had passed through thousands of existences before coming to Earth for his ultimate transmigration.

This last lifetime he began as a son of the King of the realm Sakya, Sudhodana, who ruled at Kapilavastu, in Ancient India on the border of present-day Nepal, and was born in a village called Lumbini into the warrior tribe called the Sakyas (from where he derived the title Sakyamuni, meaning "Sage of the Sakyas").

According to ancient tradition, Queen Maya, his mother, first had a dream of a beautiful white elephant coming down into her womb, and this was interpreted as a sign that the Buddha, or a universal emperor, was about to be born. When her time came, Queen Maya went into the garden and gave painless birth to the bodhisattva. He immediately walked, spoke, and was received by Brahma.

Five days after his birth, the young prince received




2 sides of the same coin: Buddhism meets Science!

The Buddha on the ORIGIN:
Intention always comes first,
Intention is of all states the primer,
By intention are all things initiated,
By thought of mind are all phenomena formed!
So - if with good intention one thinks, speaks or acts
Joy surely follows one like the never-leaving shadow!
- if with evil intention one thinks, speaks or acts
Pain certainly follows one like the wheel follows the car.


Modern Texts on the Practice of Meditation (Free ebooks PDF)


Timeless Wisdom book coverThe Seven Factors of EnlightenmentTowards an Inner PeaceIn This Life ItselfA Mind RevealedMahasi Insight Meditation

Awakening With Brahma Kumaris (Self Mangement) - BK Shivani



Awakening With Brahma Kumaris (Happiness Unlimited) - BK Shivani

Happiness is only possible when we are able to accept everyone as they are, at every moment, in every situation. That means an end to judging or resisting others, an end to complaining and blaming, an end to criticizing and controlling and an end to competing with anyone. It means the awakening and the acceptance of self-responsibility

BK Shivani -  Happiness Index


"Mindfulness is like a light, enabling concentration to really be there, and that also makes it possible for us to look deeply into the heart of things. From this looking deeply is born deep vision, understanding, love and freedom."

-Thich Nhat Hanh-



Benefits of Meditation

When we start practicing meditation, we start feeling relaxed, peaceful and happy. This is a kind of inter-generative process. You meditate and you get the reward in forms of joy and happiness, which in turn motivates you to meditate more. In course of time, it becomes your automatic practice, a kind of ‘sanskar’.  You feel uneasy and think something is missing from your life if you do not meditate on any particular day. When you start your day with meditation, the peace and joy generated last with you whole day whatever the nature of your activities. It is like taking a healthy and nourishing diet before the start of a strenuous and stressful routine of the day.

Meditation enables you to become aware of your inner resources of joy and peace. You can tap them whenever you feel stressed and worried. You acquire a habit of detached observation. So if something wrong and irritating happens in course of your day, you can view it as a detached observer. You learn to understand the monkey tricks of your mind. You thus get an inner poise that ultimately percolates into your daily life. The peace and joy that you acquire become infectious to those around you. In this way you try to make the whole environment happy and peaceful.

Although meditation is a great tool for relaxation and peace of mind, it can become a path for our spiritual quest for the ultimate spiritual goal of self-enlightenment and God realization or nirvana. Meditation may help us overcome our ego and body consciousness which are the main causes of most of human suffering, tensions, conflicts at personal and larger levels. Meditation helps us understand that our real nature is an integral part of the divine or transcendental consciousness.

Scientific studies have conclusively proved the benefits of meditation for our mind and body. According to search results released by the University of Wisconsin-Madison, meditation has been shown to produce lasting beneficial changes in immune-system function as well as brain electrical activity. “Researchers found about 50 percent more electrical activity in the left frontal regions of the brains of the meditators. Other research has showed that part of the brain is associated with positive emotions and anxiety reduction.”

Newly launched website of Awakening with Brahma kumaris



Meditation - Basic Course and RajYoga Meditation

Meditation - Basic Course and RajYoga Meditation

The RajYoga Meditation The word Yoga means 'connection'. The mental connection between the soul and Supreme Soul or the remembrance of the Supreme Soul by the soul is called meditation or Raj Yoga. Stability in the Soul-consciousness and God-consciousness will bring peace and bliss to the...

A date with yourself

A date with yourself

Meditation has become such a common word and recommendation in today’s world, but how many of us truly understand what meditation is? Is it a mystical experience which only monks can have? Is it a practice that can cure all illnesses or take away the vices? Do we need to practice it for years...

Transcendental Meditation Program and Maharishi's Global Country of World Peace

Transcendental Meditation Program and Maharishi's Global Country of World Peace

Maharishi Mahesh Yogi Founder of the Transcendental Meditation Program and Maharishi's Global Country of World Peace   Maharishi Mahesh Yogi, who introduced the Transcendental Meditation technique 40 years ago and brought enlightenment to millions of people in the world, is...

Dr.Deepak Chopra-Article Video Audio

Dr.Deepak Chopra-Article  Video  Audio

Dr.Deepak Chopra     News and information about Deepak Chopra on Deepak Chopra on Stress Management Audio Fri, 19 Feb 2010 … wonderful position whose books I had read but I never...

Meditation Keys

Meditation Keys

Meditation Keys for Beginners How long should you meditate? The first rule is, Don’t be ruled by what others do. What works well for them may not work for you. Accept that in certain ways you are unique. Here are a few general guidelines: Intensity of effort is far more important than the...

Chakra Meditation

Chakra Meditation

      One of the types of meditation used by a lot of people is the chakra meditation. Chakra is derived from a Sanskrit word, which means “circle” or “vortex”. Chakras are energy centers or energy openings residing in our body that control the flow and distribution of...

Articles from Worlds Spiritual University (Brahma Kumaris)

Articles from Worlds Spiritual University (Brahma Kumaris)

    The Healing Mind Q&A with Dadi Janki “I make a point of creating thoughts and feelings of happiness, peace and benevolence, which make me feel better – not worse.” How can I not worry when my body is unwell? Our response to pain can cause as much distress as...


Soul Connection  Sr Shivani (English)

Meditation Techniques for Beginners Demonstrated by Deepak Chopra (Video)

Guided Healing & Law of Attraction Meditation for Relaxation, Visualization, Stress, Sleep + more

Recently on the Dr.Oz show, Deepak Chopra defined meditation, performed a healing meditation, and demonstrated the law of attraction using a basic meditation


Free Meditation Ebooks And Resources

Meditation for Beginners (Wisdom of life-Videos and articles)

Meditation for Beginners (Wisdom of life-Videos and articles)

Meditation for Beginners: 20 Practical Tips for Quieting the Mind   Editor’s note: This is a guest post from Todd Goldfarb at the We The Change blog.     Meditation is the art of focusing 100% of your attention in one area. The practice comes with a myriad of...

Reclaim your personal power with affirmations

Reclaim your personal power with affirmations

Reclaim your personal power with affirmations. Discover How you can the negative conditionings in your mind and reclaim personal success and freedom in your life!   Buddhist Meditation. PDF Download Acrobat Reader: To read our eBooks you will require the Acrobat Reader available for...